GSTC for Corporate and Business Travel

The GSTC Criteria serve as the global standards for sustainability in travel and tourism.

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Global Sustainable GSTC 2024

Tourism conference list - Singapore

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Certification For Hotels

Becoming Certified as a Sustainable Hotel/Accommodation.

Increasingly, travelers and your fellow travel provider clients are seeking confirmation that sustainability practices are in place ( Sustainability Report 2021). Also increasingly, travel companies are looking for a product that is not only certified sustainable, but certified sustainable by a Certification Body that is GSTC Accredited (Trivago recommendation).

Certification For Tour Operator

Why Become a Certified Tour Operator?.

Being certified by an Accredited Certification Body (CB) means that your operations comply with the highest social and environmental standards on the market. As public concern grows about the harmful effects and the positive impacts of travel and tourism, certification provides a credible solution to complex environmental and social issues.

Certification For Destination

Why Become a Certified Destination?.


Get started today

It’s time to take control of sustainable tourism. Join GSTC so you can actively contribute to positive change.

Get 6 months free

Loved by tourism destinations worldwide implementing GSTC standards

Discover the benefits of GSTC membership: leading standards, global recognition, and a commitment to responsible tourism.

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Simple pricing, for everyone.

No matter the size of your tourism destination, GSTC standards will work well for you


Good for anyone who is self-employed and just getting started.


  • Send 10 quotes and invoices
  • Connect up to 2 bank accounts
  • Track up to 15 expenses per month
  • Manual payroll support
  • Export up to 3 reports
Get started

Small business

Perfect for small / medium sized businesses.


  • Send 25 quotes and invoices
  • Connect up to 5 bank accounts
  • Track up to 50 expenses per month
  • Automated payroll support
  • Export up to 12 reports
  • Bulk reconcile transactions
  • Track in multiple currencies
Get started


For even the biggest enterprise companies.


  • Send unlimited quotes and invoices
  • Connect up to 15 bank accounts
  • Track up to 200 expenses per month
  • Automated payroll support
  • Export up to 25 reports, including TPS
Get started

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team and if you’re lucky someone will get back to you.

    • What is GSTC?

      GSTC, or Global Sustainable Tourism Council, is an organization that develops global standards for sustainable tourism and provides certification for destinations, hotels, and tour operators that comply with these standards.

    • Why is it important to have sustainable tourism standards?

      Sustainable tourism standards help reduce the negative impacts of tourism on the environment, local cultures, and economies. They also promote socially and environmentally responsible practices and enhance tourist experiences.

    • How does GSTC influence the tourism industry?

      GSTC influences the tourism industry by promoting sustainable practices through certification and advocacy. It encourages positive changes in how destinations and tourism businesses operate.

    • What are GSTC primary focuses in sustainable tourism development?

      GSTC focuses on ensuring that tourism activities support environmental protection, respect local cultures, and provide fair economic benefits to local communities.

    • How can a destination or tourism business obtain GSTC certification?

      To obtain GSTC certification, a destination or tourism business must align its practices with the criteria set by GSTC. The process involves independent evaluation of compliance with the established standards.

    • How does GSTC develop sustainable tourism standards?

      GSTC develops sustainable tourism standards through a rigorous process involving input from experts, stakeholders, and public consultation. These standards aim to address environmental, socio-cultural, and economic aspects of tourism sustainability.

    • How does GSTC collaborate with governments and other organizations to promote sustainable tourism?

      GSTC collaborates with governments, NGOs, and industry stakeholders to advocate for policies that promote sustainable tourism. It provides guidance and support for destinations and businesses to integrate sustainability into their operations and policies.

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